Sorry if the breif Hiatus had paniced anybody, but sometimes a blog writer has to face the life outside the internet for a bit before getting back to the comforting glow of a monitor.
Well, summer has come and started, and for those in Alaska, the breakup period is over and it's damn green on everything. Time to get out, do something, dance about, and enjoy the few months before work starts up even heavier for next year. But, you're tired of that same music over and over again. You'd want to get your rump in gear, but, you need something new to move you. I have an idea for you...
The whole thing is a bit hard to just sit down and listen to, but is great music to get moving too. If you want a couple track samples to convince you Link to Lala.
Next update will be a bit better, still trying to find places to share music with you for free, so hold tight.
-Minimal foX
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