Hudson Mohawke's
No One Could Ever was a surprize find to even me. After listening to songs off of his album
Butter, I was rather surprised to find something not so outrageously flamboyant. Sure, it's chipmunk-esque, but lets say it's a step up from the last Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. A large step up.
No One Could Ever is classic hip-hop meets electronica, but somewhere along the line, it got quite messed up at a local bar, and is now staggering down the street talking to strangers in a rather friendly but somehow distant mood. It's an anthem tune for sure, the melodious, hyped up horns make it a given when pushed to the edge with such a forceful punch of bass, but exactly whose anthem it is simply can't be found.
For the most part, this seems to be the best track out of the cd. If you think that track was flamboyant, you do need to check out the rest of the cd. Tracks such as Joy Fantastic and Allhot feel something like a sketch straight out of the Tim and Eric show. But with a cover art like this

it's not hard to imagine that such tracks are going to be flamboyant 80's synth pop trying with all it's might to be hip again. And for the most part, Hudson Mohawke does seem to make it work with his own style. But, that's up for you to decide.